Digital Marketing is all marketing carried out through the internet, not just the dissemination of products and services. It also encompasses the sales strategy, price and the definition of how to meet the needs of the target audience.
If you want to know more about Digital Marketing, continue reading this article and check out the information and tips presented in the following topics:
- Digital Marketing: What is it?
- Types of Digital Marketing
- Advantages of Digital Marketing
- Strategies for Digital Marketing
- Metrics
Marketing: What is it?
Even if it differs from traditional marketing, done outside of the internet, in different ways, the basics of digital marketing are the same. To better understand it is possible to quote mix marketing. It encompasses the concept of the 4 “Ps” of marketing, which are the strategies to bring the company closer to its audience. Even in the digital world, they remain very important. They are as follows:
- Product;
- Price;
- Place;
- Promotion.
It is what your company sells, what are its advantages for the consumer, how does it meet their needs, what are its characteristics.
It is the value of the product for the customer, and it needs to be attractive, it can have discounts and offers, in addition to guaranteeing the necessary profitability for your business.
It is where your product is offered, how it can be segmented to your audience, how your logistics and storage work.
These are the channels for promoting your product, how it is presented to the consumer, what are the strategies for your audience to know your brand.
All these marketing concepts are important and useful for your strategy when it is transferred to digital marketing. After all, you need to have a product that matches what your audience is looking for, be offered in the right channels and at a consistent price.
And for all this to be possible, it is necessary to know the best way to promote it. In addition, with the increasingly frequent use of online tools, another P has emerged, for People.
This is because with greater consumer interaction with the brand, when using virtual media, people began to influence this process. Today, there are a total of 8 Ps, being added the following:
- Processes: how the product is manufactured;
- Positioning: how the customer perceives the brand;
- Performance: what are its differentials.
Types of Digital Marketing
The main digital marketing strategies are:
- Inbound Marketing;
- Content Marketing;
- Sponsored Links
Although they may seem the same thing at first, it is possible to differentiate them according to the way they are put into practice. With good strategy and performing those types of digital marketing efficiently, the “P’s” will successfully complement each other.
Inbound Marketing
This type of digital marketing is also called attraction marketing, and this definition explains its concept well. That’s because, when using it, the objective is that people are attracted to the company.
But that doesn’t happen because the consumer wants to buy your product. First, he gets in touch with the brand because it offers interesting and relevant content, which is most easily done through online channels.
In Inbound marketing, unlike Outbound marketing, aka traditional marketing, which relies heavily on ads, the company offers a solution to your audience’s problems or needs. But not directly, using your products and services.
At first, the company shows credibility and authority, providing reliable information for the consumer to make a decision. Here, the idea is to present your expertise, so that in a second moment the sale happens.
To this end, the brand uses digital marketing channels to get closer to the public and create an audience, with the aim of increasing their interactivity and earning their respect. In addition to creating a link with the consumer, this tactic allows you to know more about the target audience.
Content Marketing
For Inbound Marketing to be put into practice, content marketing is used, which consists of publishing information of interest and relevance to the target audience. This is done through online social media.
Today, this strategy is quite efficient, as consumers increasingly search the web for information, answers and guidance on a daily basis. By offering this content to them, the brand is able to attract and win more customers, leading them to make the purchase.
However, the company needs to position itself properly in the purchase journey of its potential customer. This requires identifying which media he uses the most and being present in them.
Thus, content marketing is mainly done through the following channels:
- Blog;
- Institutional Website;
- Social networks;
- E-mail marketing;
- Newsletter;
Another type of digital marketing is SEO or Search Engine Optimization, this acronym referring to search engine optimization. Its purpose is to make your website or blog and rank it well, appearing in the top positions of online organic searches (non-paid display).
Being among the first in the search results or even on the first page greatly increases your chances of having a greater number of visits every day. As a result, more internet users know your brand, which is essential for inbound marketing to work.
And to be well positioned it is necessary to follow some rules, determined by search engines, such as Google, who want to offer their users the best experience in terms of navigation. To do so, they leave the contents considered best among the first.
This means that the content is original, with well-written texts that have cohesion and relevant keywords in accordance with the interests of the Internet user. It is also necessary to have quality images that are properly named.
These are just a few examples of SEO techniques. There are many others, which contribute to your website or blog appearing more often in organic search.
Sponsored links or PPC
Sponsored links are ways to advertise on search engines like Google, Yahoo !, Bing etc. Sponsored links are pay-per-click ads that are typically located at the top and bottom of Google and, unlike organic search, have an “ad” in the front of the search result.
The advantages of using this marketing channel is that the results tend to appear quickly. Therefore, it is a strategy widely used by companies of different sizes that invest in digital marketing.
Another important point is that for the strategy to continue to give results, a continuous investment in the ad tools is necessary, as it works in a similar way to an auction and, once interrupted, the ads stop being displayed. This is one of the main differences between sponsored link and SEO.
Advantages of Digital Marketing
There are many advantages of digital marketing, see what they are:
Interaction with the target audience
The interactivity that a brand can have with its audience when betting on digital marketing is possibly one of its most attractive differentials. With this greater interaction, it is possible to gain credibility and trust, in addition to getting to know your target audience better.
Greater reach
With digital marketing, companies can gain greater visibility and be known throughout the country and in other countries. You don’t have to be a big corporation to do this, as long as you can serve customers spread across your country with adequate logistics.
One of the main differences between digital marketing and traditional marketing is the possibility of targeting your actions. If on TV, radio and newspaper a single ad reaches a diverse audience, online it is possible to promote specific actions for each group.
Ease of measurement
Investing in digital marketing also becomes safer, as it is easier to evaluate the results obtained. Today, there are different ways to measure results, including knowing which actions had more or less effect.
In case you currently have any issues measuring your results or want to improve them, as well as the SEO, we can help you, just book a call with us and we can discuss what’s the best approach for your business and assist you on improving your overall digital position. Click here, to be redirected to our website
Digital Marketing Strategies
To use digital marketing and get the expected results, it is essential that there is a well-built strategy. It depends on the peculiarities of each company, and it is necessary to take into account product or service, market, target audience and trajectory.
Here are the main steps to build the best online marketing strategy:
Step 1 – Determine goals
Know what your company’s goals are with digital marketing. Gain visibility? Increase leads? sell more? Have virtual authority? Greater visibility? Keeping this in mind helps you choose the best channels.
Step 2 – Choose the communication channels
Research with your target audience which are the media they use the most and, among them, choose the most efficient ones for your strategy. Therefore, it is important to know how it works and what are the features of each channel.
Step 3 – Make a publishing schedule
It is important to delegate functions to your team, in order to have professionals responsible for publishing and monitoring the channels. It is also essential to respond to all messages you receive, another way to promote interaction with the public.
And to ensure organization and good management, nothing better than a publication schedule, even if there is more than one person responsible for this task. In this way, extra publications or failure to respond to a consumer are avoided.
Step 4 – Assess the hiring of experienced professionals
Creating a digital marketing strategy requires a good assessment of the market segment and target audience, as well as the channels to promote actions. In this sense, it may be necessary to hire a digital marketing agency.
With trained and experienced professionals, it is possible to follow the right path with more practicality, without making common mistakes that happen when you don’t have the necessary knowledge load. The agency can only provide consultancy or get hands on.
Step 5 – Measure the results
Track and record all information about the results obtained with the actions. This is all useful for later analysis and you can find out if the results are what you expected.
Digital Marketing Metrics
To measure and analyze results, there are different metrics, that is, techniques that contribute to obtaining more accurate data. Here are some of them:
Unique Visitors
How many visitors have accessed your website or blog in a given period of time.
Interactions, such as clicks and pages visited, from each visitor.
New Sessions
This is another metric similar to the previous one, with the difference that even if it is a single visitor, it counts as a new session if he returns to your page 30 minutes later. This attitude indicates high power of attraction.
Type of traffic
It is the origin of the visit, which can be organic, through search engines, or paid campaigns, which will depend on the channels used.
Bounce Rate
Percentage of visitors who just enter the site and then leave, without interacting.
Return on Investment
Aka ROI, it is the difference between the sum of digital marketing expenses and the value gained from conversions resulting from online actions. The gain must be greater so that your business does not have a loss.
Customer Acquisition Cost
Indicated by the acronym CAC, it serves to identify how much your company spends to win each customer. To have a positive result, the cost must be lower than what is spent on digital marketing with each customer.
These are just some existing metrics to measure the results of digital marketing actions promoted by your company. In addition, it is important to evaluate which of them can be used by your business.
Anyway, this step cannot be skipped. After all, if the results are not as expected, it is necessary to review the strategy and adjust as necessary so that better results are achieved.
What’s more, there must be professionals on your team dedicated to this task. They should also know how to get the job done so they don’t get the wrong results.
11 Indispensable Digital Marketing Tools
As you may already know, digital marketing is an essential part of promoting business and products in this new market based on the online world.
Every year, there are more companies realizing this and therefore, it is critical to understand the trends as well as the basic rules of this game.
Also for this reason, it is important to keep up to date, reading and studying whenever possible and in this sense, today we have a very specific objective: to offer an overview of 10 indispensable tools for digital marketing.
Just the sum of what you need to know to succeed in your future campaigns. Come on?
1 – Google Ads
Google Ads is one of the tools most widely known and used in online marketing and has a fairly simple operation, although there is a learning curve for optimal use.
The system is based on choosing keywords related to your business or product, so that it appears prominently in searches performed by users.
In other words, if you offer grooming and grooming services for pets, for example, you choose common search terms related to your business, the region you operate in, and so on.
Some keywords can be very competitive, such as “lawyer” or “pizzeria” and in these cases, have a higher cost per click (CPC), which is how much you pay per person who accesses your ad.
Sounds difficult? Don’t worry, there’s another tool linked to this one that helps you manage and control your campaigns, number two on this list.
2 – Google Analytics
Google Analytics is essential to build an image of how your site is working. This tool provides various data such as visitors, people online at the moment, visitor location, time spent on the page, bounce rate and much more.
In addition, you can link your Analytics account with Google Ads and import your Analytics goals into Google’s ad platform. Other features include separating traffic (organic, paid, etc), which campaigns the traffic came from, etc.
3 – Facebook Ads
And speaking of targeting campaigns, the system Facebook Ads is one of the most accurate in this regard.
It is possible to create specific campaigns to target only young residents of São Paulo who enjoy gastronomy, or people who live alone in Porto Alegre, but have cats, for example.
Of course, there is also a learning curve for ad optimization, but Facebook includes metrics and other tools to make life easier for those new to digital marketing.
On the platform, integrating different elements within the same campaign, such as your landing page, ecommerce, website or blog, is relatively simple, but the highlight is the analysis tools, whose first example follows.
4 – Google Page Insights
As we mentioned in the update posts Google Speed , the site loading speed is one of the pillars to achieve good performance in organic searches and Google Ads.
Therefore, Google provides a tool for developers that offers tips on how to make your site faster and decrease its loading time.
5 – Linkedin Ads
Need a more specific platform for your online campaigns? One of the best alternatives on the market is LinkedIN.
Mainly, because it is a social network aimed only at professionals, which means that the audience is already pre-segmented and therefore, it can be the ideal platform for ads for MBAs or short-term online courses, for example.
The system works similarly to Facebook Ads, that is, there are many possibilities for targeting and segmentation, as well as performance analysis tools.
6 – Marketplaces
Unlike previous tools, marketplaces does not refer to a specific software or system, but to a digital marketing concept.
Among the biggest and best national examples of the format are Submarino, Americanas and other giants in the sector, which bring together third-party products in their e-commerce.
The logic is as follows: you take advantage of the traffic from these most popular sites to offer your products on your pages, in exchange, you pay commissions to the network you are using.
As this does not make it impossible for you to have your own ecommerce, it becomes a way to expand your earning possibilities, in a reduced time, at a predictable cost.
7 – MailMarketing
This is one of the least understood tools on the market, precisely because many people and companies misuse it.
Within a well-planned campaign, a company can gather a large number of leads from potential consumers and there is no better way to communicate with these people than through emails.
The problem, as we said, is companies that send messages just for the sake of sending, repetitive, insistent, disconnected with the profile or interest of their audience.
In this sense, we started to highlight an essential piece for the success of online campaigns: the integration and balance of strategies across different platforms, but we will include this subject in the next topic.
8 – Marketing Automation
At this point, you may be thinking that there are too many tools and that you need a deeper explanation about each one of them.
While this is true, there is an even more important third point: once you start your digital marketing campaigns, you and your team will have many aspects to manage.
Creating and posting content on various social networks, designing campaigns, A/B tests and a multitude of technical and/or routine aspects, whose execution can be very time consuming.
Therefore, it is essential to choose anwell automation tool, especially for creating and managing content and monitoring results.
Otherwise, dealing with so much data, spread across multiple platforms can become an impossible task.
9 – Landing Page Creation
When you launch online ads, the initial objective is to attract leads, or followers that are, basically, potential customers.
When such a person clicks on an ad, they should be directed to a landing page, which can be generic or specific.
In many cases, this is the person’s first direct contact with your business and therefore, you must have a page specifically designed to receive them and collect data such as email, for example.
There are numerous landing page creation tools on the market, but the most important thing right now is to understand that this page corresponds to greeting a customer who has just entered your store.
Even if you don’t buy anything, you want to make a good impression and, if possible, understand their habits and preferences, so you know what you can offer that person in the future.
10 – Google Tag Manager
Tag Manager is a Google tool to simplify the process of adding code to the website. On the Tag Manager platform, you can add HTML snippets, Google Ads conversion code, Facebook Pixel, Remarketing, etc.
11 –
When you decide to create your online store or your website you will be faced with a world of options. Which platform to use? What language? What website format? Well, WordPress is one of the most used options when we are talking about digital marketing and today it is already the main website creation platform in the world.
For digital marketing purposes, WordPress really can’t be beat, and as a complete website building tool, most of the world would agree. More than 74 million websites on the internet are built using WordPress, making it by far the most popular content management system (CMS) available to anyone. If you are still not convinced, think about big sites like: Revista Veja, Revista Quatro Rodas, TV Gazeta and Gazeta Esportiva, Santos Futebol Clube, Blog do Elo7, Toyota, CNN, The New York Times, Ebay and even Facebook Newsroom. They all use WordPress. Oh and we forgot one: Beyoncé. That’s right, the queen of pop herself uses WordPress to host her content, post recent updates and keep her millions of fans informed.
All of these big players didn’t just choose WordPress on their own, they chose it for a reason. WordPress is easy to use, affordable to be SEO optimized, has many professionals available in the market and is a free platform. Hence, it has become an obvious choice for many companies, celebrities and news outlets looking for a comprehensive and fully customizable CMS. For every person and goal a website platform can be the best. However, WordPress has been a great option for those who want flexibility and modernity for their websites.
WordPress offers two versions of its services: The first is which is the paid version of the tool, but it is very limited. The recommended version is which is free and you will only have to pay the cost of your domain (URL) which is around R$40 per year and the cost of a hosting server that there are options on the market from R$5 per month. Either way, a WordPress site can be designed and built for little to no money.
A Final Word About These Tools and Concepts
For those starting out in digital marketing, much of what we said may seem quite confusing after all, if you’ve never run a lead capture campaign, it’s hard to imagine what it is, or how it should be, a landing page.
But believe me, even if you have been on this road for some time, there is always something to learn.
In the digital world, techniques are dynamic, new tools appear frequently and the only solution is to always study and keep an open mind.
The good news is that, with patience and dedication, any type of business can benefit from digital marketing, due to its two main characteristics:
- Low cost;
- Precise targeting
Putting these two points together, we arrive at an unbeatable return on investment potential compared to any traditional advertising method.
And if your question is related to the specific software you can use, as in the case of automation, for example; know that the options are many and it will be necessary to experiment a little.
Because if it hasn’t been clear so far, it’s worth emphasizing: digital marketing is constant learning and more than that, adapting to your individual case.
Despite the general logic that governs online campaigns, deep down, your practice determines what is most effective for your business or product and thus, it is more important to test alternatives, than to anchor yourself in just one from the beginning.
Unless, of course, you decide to hire an agency to manage your campaigns, but in this case, that’s another conversation.
Tagged with digital marketing
In case you currently have any issues measuring your results or want to improve them, as well as the SEO, we can help you, just book a call with us and we can discuss what’s the best approach for your business and assist you on improving your overall digital position. Click here, to be redirected to our website